

What our customers are saying

Learn how to send pictures to inmates with the click of a button — Pelipost makes this
process as simple as possible.

pelipost story

A handful of our customer stories

Bobby Bostic was sentenced to life in prison without parole when he was just 16 years old. Here is a piece of Bobby’s story:

“Each photo that Pelipost sends to an inmate is a victory. Pictures mean so much to us in prison. So to the Pelipost team: all inmates in America thank you for giving us victory by each picture that you send us. Those pictures are a light in a dark prison. Each picture brings us hope, each picture makes us stronger, each picture lets us know what we are missing in the world and with our loved ones. Each picture offers us power against oppression, each picture that Pelipost sends to us prisoners gives us victory.”

Jonathan Mayer has been inside for ten years, and here’s what he has to say about Pelipost.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire Pelipost company and staff, know that you all are doing a great thing and making positive impacts. You make us feel that we are still human and that we still matter. Though we all made mistakes toland us in here — our mistakes do not define who we are. There is always a bigger story”

Roman Mendez has been inside since 2016. He has great wisdom for keeping a mindset while in prison.

“My support system has been my motivation, and I’ve learned to value the ones who love me. My family helps me get through the hard times — from the visits with my kids to the pictures I receive through PeliPALS.”

Willie Brown is a human just like you and me, but he’s treated like a number behind prison walls. Pelipost has been a lifeline for him to feel loved and supported. Here’s a piece of his story.

“The moral of the story as to why I opened a Pelipost prepaid account was to bridge the gap between my family and me. I wanted photos of my family and friends, but the issue was always that they had no time or sometimes money to get the photos printed or pay for the postage. With the Pelipost app, there would never be a hassle or excuse as to why I didn’t receive my photos. When I’m paying for the service, all they have to do is send the photos to my Pelipost account by downloading and using the app — Pelipost takes care of the rest of the details.”

Want to read more about the people above plus other stories from real people?

Pelipost Brand Ambassadors

It´s difficult to genuinely understand what it´s like living a life behind bars, disconnected from the outside world. By sharing customer stories, we not only give you a glimpse into someone´s life on the inside, but it also provides our incarcerated loved ones the opportunity to feel seen and heard on the outside. If your incarcerated loved one would like to share their story, have them mail it to Pelipost to be featured.

If you would like to share your story, become a Pelipost Brand Ambassador!


Sending photos to incarcerated loved one has a positive
impact on the lives of so many

20+ million
Photos shipped and counting
Users have connected with their loved ones
Correctional facilities

*We understand the power of words, and the term “inmate” is a word loaded with stigma and assumptions. At Pelipost, we are committed to using person-first language that doesn’t reduce a person to one aspect of their life the way “inmate” does, such as “incarcerated person” or “incarcerated loved one.” Unfortunately, always using person-first language on our website would harm our search engine rankings, making it harder for people looking to send photos to their incarcerated loved ones to find us. So, if you see the term “inmate” in certain places on our site, we want you to know why. We’re working to change this- and we hope you’ll join us in our mission to create a more compassionate and inclusive environment for families experiencing incarceration.

Join us in our mission to create positive change in the communication between family, friends, and their incarcerated loved ones. ♥

lady with phone