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Kristopher DeShawn: PeliPALS Story

Itā€™s hard to know what life is like for the incarcerated. At Pelipost, we believe in the importance of sharing the experience of incarceration by bringing our PeliPALSā€™ stories to light. Today, we bring you Kristopher DeShawnā€™s story in his own words.

My name is Kristopher DeShawn. I am 34 years old and have been incarcerated since 2005. With this being the first time in this situation, the biggest things that enabled me to survive and work my way from a level 4 maximum security prison, to now a minimum level 2 is the ability to adapt and be aware. Also, Iā€™ve never lost sight of the fact that I have goals, people, and family to work myself back to.

Furthermore, I know Iā€™m not defined by this situation. Now, Iā€™m a mature adult male. I finally reached the growth and obtained and identity of which Iā€™ve never had, with multiple negatives in my life, a life sentence, and the possibility to never leave these walls, I couldā€™ve self-destructed.

ā€œIā€™m no longer a person that just exists- I know I have a purpose.ā€Kristopher DeShawn, PeliPAL

I have fully embraced my faith (Islam,) graduated from high school, obtained an Associateā€™s Degree in social and behavioral science, and utilized all self-help / cognitive restructuring tools / classes, so now my manner is one who is constantly evolving. Iā€™m no longer a person that just exists- I know I have a purpose. While I continuously make strides in life, I also strive to impact others and not to be so stereotyped and also to be around like-minded individuals.

What also gets me through my day-to-day is that I write poems, short stories, and read. Iā€™m an athlete, enjoy music, and constantly make it apparent to my mom and younger siblings that Iā€™m still vital to their lives and I love them and vice-versa. As a bonus, I have nieces and nephews now and Iā€™m grateful for the role in their lives, plus they know who their uncle is.

What I look forward to the most from my family is first knowing they are alive every day. Then with that, the phone calls, greeting cards, visits, and photos that let me know that they care, but also that they enjoy life. To have the opportunity to listen to their problems, issues, whatever is going on because I care about them. All of the above things my friends and family do and keep my spirits high. With this, praying, and remaining diligent, every day I wake up I feel blessed.

For now, I wait for my time to impact the world from the outside and not from within a cell. To also show the man Iā€™ve become that my family and friends are proud of. Thank you.

-Kristopher DeShawn
